Love is at the heart of the Circle of Life, Beginning at Conception, Never Ending...

Butterflies, Home of Linda Williamson Independent Civil Funeral Celebrant

Each Service, Ceremony or Celebration written around the Wishes of your Loved one or Your Own.

Pet Funerals also with love.

My Background

Why "Butterflies"?

A Butterfly's beauty captures your eye briefly as it dances on the breeze, yet the memory of such beauty stays in your heart.

Our love for our famillies and friends has a beauty perhaps of many definitions and stays in our hearts and minds forever.

Our friends may be our family, my dad once told me that the pain of losing a friend is so strong because our friends are often the family we choose.

In the big scheme of life, our lives are like the Butterfly, often sadly, physically brief, but the beauty of that life with it's miriad of colours stays within the hearts and the memories of those who have loved it, forever.

On my wedding day 34 years ago, a Red Admiral Butterfly came into the church and landed on my veil, there it stayed for a few minutes then flew off. 

Some believe that a Butterfly is a sign of Spirit drawing near...

I trained as a nurse and qualified in 1985, thereafter I worked in many specialities over the years, taking breaks to have my Children.

My last clinical role was as a Theatre Nurse then I moved into the job I do now which is a Manual Handling Advisor for NHSL.

My role is primarily to teach Student Nurses and Midwives safer ways to move and handle Patients or objects, at the same time as looking after their own Muskuloskeletal Health.

Early last year I lost a very close friend, I saw it as a privilidge to be able to help to nurse Jayne through her final journey.

I was honouredto be asked to speak at her Funeral on behalf of her Sister and to say a few words of my own.

As I was speaking I had an unexplained 'moment' and I knew from that point that I wanted to become, A 'Civil Funeral Celebrant'. 

In December last year I went on a course with 'FOIC' and began a whole  new  chapter in my life, one that I know in my heart is going to be fulfilling for me, but also a gift to be able to help famillies say farewell to their loved one in a way that truly reflects the Life, the Butterfly, they have lost.

I will compose a very personal tribute whether that contains any religious element or not is entirely the expressed choice of either the person who is at that moment 'Centre Stage' or the choice of those who knew them best. whether a Ceremony of Celebration of the life you have loved or a simple way to say farewell, I will be honoured to work with you at this, often difficult time.

My Hobbies

 I have a few hobbies including Caravanning.

I like to sew Cross-Stitch and currently have 3 projects on the go.

I do love to sing and do so every Tuesday evening with Bathgate Menzies Choir. This culminates in 2 concerts a year, one at Christmas and our Spring Concert at the end of April.

My 4 Cocker Spaniels are a huge part of my life and teach me many things about life. I have bred a few litters over the years but this arm of my hobby is currently on hold. I have also very proudly shown my beautiful Spaniels at Crufts.

A big part of my life has been working hard to feed my dogs naturally and to encourage others to do so.

My Favourite Things

I love being with and watching my children flourish, our beautiful mad daughter Kate with her new husband Rob and my lovely patient son Steven and of course my truly Supportive Long Suffering Husband Eric.

I love to sing.

I love my dogs and almost all other peoples dogs too. I love horses.

I love to listen to people, i love to listen to friends and family when they need an Ear. I like to people watch.

I like to read but not "used"books.

I love the 'still' of a cold frosty night, and watching Snow falling.

Contact Me

Get in touch

Civil Funeral Services or Celebration of Life

Creating beautiful individual Funeral Ceremonies or Celebration of the life of someone you love.

I shall be honoured to meet with you and your family to put together a loving, sensitive and personal tribute to your loved one.

Butterflies Civil Funeral Celebrant

Lawhead Cottage, Tarbrax, West Calder, West Lothian, Scotland. EH55 8LW.

07747533213 or 01501 785533

Hours of business


By Appointment


By Appointment


By Appointment


By Appointment


09:00 – 17:00


09:00 – 13:00


By Appointment

I appreciate you may be calling me at what is an emotional and busy time for you.

My phone is always switched on, however there shall be occasions where it is appropriate for it to be on 'Silent' mode.

Please leave a message if I am not free to answer your call and I shall try to call you back within 2 hours.

